陈亚红 1,*董震 1刘永雷 1刘琳 1[ ... ]蔡阳健 2,**
1 苏州大学物理科学与技术学院,江苏 苏州 215006
2 山东师范大学物理与电子科学学院,山东 济南 250358
部分相干光场 矢量光场 光场调控 相干与偏振 光场相干结构调控 
2024, 44(10): 1026007
Author Affiliations
1 School of Physical Science and Technology & Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China
2 Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Micro and Nano Heat Fluid Flow Technology and Energy Application, School of Physical Science and Technology, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, China
3 Shandong Provincial Engineering and Technical Center of Light Manipulation & Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Optics and Photonic Device, School of Physics and Electronics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, China
4 Joint Research Center of Light Manipulation Science and Photonic Integrated Chip of East China Normal University and Shandong Normal University, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
Optical encryption strategies utilizing fully coherent light have been widely explored but often face challenges such as speckle noise and beam instabilities. In this work, we introduce a novel protocol for multi-channel optical information encoding and encryption using vectorial spatial coherence engineering of a partially coherent light beam. By characterizing the beam’s spatial coherence structure with a $$2 \times 2$$ coherence matrix, we demonstrate independent control over the three components of the coherence Stokes vector. This allows for three-channel optical information encoding and encryption, with applications in color image representation. Unlike existing methods based on fully coherent light modulations, our approach utilizes a two-point dependent coherence Stokes vector, proving resilient to random noise in experimental scenarios. Our findings provide a robust foundation for higher-dimensional optical encoding and encryption, addressing limitations associated with partially coherent light in complex environments.
2024, 5(1): 8
中国科学院 长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 发光学及应用国家重点实验室, 吉林长春130033
为了实现在8寸化学机械抛光设备上进行小尺寸镀铜InP晶圆的减薄抛光工作,提高设备的兼容性,缩减工艺步骤,减少过多操作导致InP晶圆出现裂纹暗伤和表面颗粒增加等问题,自制特殊模具,使小尺寸InP晶圆在8寸化学机械抛光设备上进行加工,再根据InP晶圆易碎的缺陷问题,通过调整设备的抛光头压力、转速和抛光垫的转速等相关工艺参数,使其满足后续键合工艺的相关需求。实验结果表明:在使用特殊模具下,当抛光头的压力调整为20.684 kPa、抛光头与抛光垫的转速分别为:93 r/min和87 r/min时,InP晶圆的表面粗糙度达到:Ra≤1 nm;表面铜层的去除速率达到3 857×10-10/min;后续与8寸晶圆的键合避免键合位置出现空洞等缺陷,实现2寸InP晶圆在8寸设备上的CMP工艺,大大降低了CMP工艺成本,同时避免晶圆在转移过程中出现表面颗粒度增加和划伤的情况,实现了InP晶圆与Si晶圆的异质键合及Cu互连工艺。
化学机械抛光 磷化铟 去除速率 键合 表面粗糙度 chemical mechanical polishing InP removal rate bonding surface roughness 
光学 精密工程
2024, 32(3): 392
Author Affiliations
1 Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
2 Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3 Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hangzhou 310024, China
Imaging through non-static and optically thick scattering media such as dense fog, heavy smoke, and turbid water is crucial in various applications. However, most existing methods rely on either active and coherent light illumination, or image priors, preventing their application in situations where only passive illumination is possible. In this study we present a universal passive method for imaging through dense scattering media that does not depend on any prior information. Combining the selection of small-angle components out of the incoming information-carrying scattering light and image enhancement algorithm that incorporates time-domain minimum filtering and denoising, we show that the proposed method can dramatically improve the signal-to-interference ratio and contrast of the raw camera image in outfield experiments.
Photonics Research
2024, 12(1): 134
Author Affiliations
1 Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Devices and Systems of Ministry of Education and Guangdong Province, College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
2 School of Advanced Materials, Peking University, Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055, China
3 Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing 400714, China
4 School of Physics and Microelectronics, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
5 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA
Two-dimensional (2D) antiferroelectric materials have raised great research interest over the last decade. Here, we reveal a type of 2D antiferroelectric (AFE) crystal where the AFE polarization direction can be switched by a certain degree in the 2D plane. Such 2D functional materials are realized by stacking the exfoliated wurtzite (wz) monolayers with “self-healable” nature, which host strongly coupled ferroelasticity/antiferroelectricity and benign stability. The AFE candidates, i.e., ZnX and CdX (X = S, Se, Te), are all semiconductors with direct bandgap at Γ point, which harbors switchable antiferroelectricity and ferroelasticity with low transition barriers, hidden spin polarization, as well as giant in-plane negative Poisson's ratio (NPR), enabling the co-tunability of hidden spin characteristics and auxetic magnitudes via AFE switching. The 2D AFE wz crystals provide a platform to probe the interplay of 2D antiferroelectricity, ferroelasticity, NPR, and spin effects, shedding new light on the rich physics and device design in wz semiconductors.
wurtzite crystal multiferroics hidden spin polarization negative Poisson's ratio 
Journal of Semiconductors
2023, 44(12): 122101
杭州电子科技大学 通信工程学院,杭州 310018
光混沌 同步通信 保密通信 半导体激光器 延迟光速率方程 optical chaos, synchronous communication, secure c 
2023, 47(3): 0052
1 中电科芯片技术(集团)有限公司, 重庆 401332
2 重庆大学 光电工程学院, 重庆 400044
为了能够在复杂环境下实现风速风向的高精度和高稳定性测量, 在基于声学共振原理的风传感器系统的基础上, 采用闭环控制扫描技术改进了系统的性能指标。采用声学共振的方式, 同时对换能器产生的信号进行频率调制和强度调制, 实现对超声换能器的线型扫描。频率调制解决了在不同压力、温度等环境因素影响下导致的共振频移的问题, 强度调制解决了换能器性能随时间衰减问题, 极大地提高了信噪比。实验结果表明, 采用闭环控制的方法可以准确测量风速风向。风速测量范围0~50 m/s, 风速测量精度为±0.5 m/s(≤15m/s)/±5%(>15 m/s且<35 m/s)/±9%(>35 m/s)。改进后的系统在复杂环境下受环境变化影响小、精度高、稳定性好、抗干扰能力强。
闭环控制 频率调制 线型扫描 共振频移 风速测量 closed-loop control frequency modulation linear scanning resonance frequency shift wind speed measurement 
2023, 45(3): 467
方仁瑞 1,2任宽 1郭泽钰 1,2徐晗 1,2[ ... ]尚大山 1,2,*
1 1.中国科学院 微电子研究所, 微电子器件与集成技术重点实验室, 北京 100029
2 2.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
电解质栅控晶体管(Electrolyte-gated transistors, EGTs)的沟道电导连续可调特性使其在构建神经形态计算系统中具有巨大应用潜力。本工作以非晶态Nb2O5作为沟道材料, LixSiO2作为栅电解质材料, 制备了一种具备低沟道电导(~120 nS)的EGT器件。该器件利用Li+嵌入/脱出Nb2O5晶格导致的沟道电导连续可逆变化, 模拟了神经突触的短程可塑性(Short-term plasticity, STP)、长程可塑性(Long-term plasticity, LTP)以及STP向LTP的转变等功能。基于这种EGT突触特性, 本工作设计了关联学习电路, 实现了突触权重的负反馈调节, 并模拟了“巴普洛夫的狗”经典条件反射行为。这些结果展现出EGT作为神经突触器件的巨大潜力, 为实现神经形态计算硬件提供了器件参考。
电解质栅控晶体管 神经突触 突触可塑性 关联学习 electrolyte-gated transistor synapse synaptic plasticity associative learning 
2023, 38(4): 399
西安建筑科技大学 信息与控制工程学院,陕西西安710055
遥感目标具有较大的尺度差异性,针对其在复杂背景干扰下易导致细粒度级别多尺度特征提取困难、预测部分有效表征较弱的问题,本文基于无锚框思想,提出一种多元特征提取与表征优化的遥感多尺度目标检测方法(Multivariate Feature extraction and Characterization optimization,MFC)。在特征提取部分,设计多元特征提取模块(Multivariate Feature Extraction,MFE)挖掘细粒度级别的多尺度特征,通过分组操作及跨组连接的方式扩大感受野、增强多个特征尺度的组合效应,并联合上下文信息进一步加强对小目标的关注;采用深层聚合结构对深浅层特征进行充分融合,以获得更全面的特征表达。在预测部分,提出一种表征优化策略(Characterization Optimization Strategy,COS),利用椭圆型映射进行标签优化以适应具有较大纵横比的遥感目标,设计坐标像素注意力组合关注多尺度目标通道、位置及像素信息,减少复杂背景干扰,使有效信息得以突出表征。在DIOR,HRRSD,RSOD数据集上进行消融及对比实验,实验结果表明:MFC模型的mAP分别达到了70.9%,90.2%和96.9%,优于大多现有方法,有效改善了误检、漏检问题,适应性和鲁棒性较强。
遥感多尺度目标 无锚框 多元特征 表征优化 注意力 remote sensing of multi-scale targets anchor-free multivariate feature characterization optimization attention 
光学 精密工程
2023, 31(16): 2465
郭宸 1常胜利 1,2,*张文杰 1肖广益 2[ ... ]鲍桐 2
1 湖南工业大学 轨道交通学院湖南株洲42007
2 湖南大学 物理与微电子科学学院湖南长沙41008
粒子喷射速度的测速是火箭发动机结构改进设计极其重要的依据。但是由于火箭发动机尾焰喷射速度快、背景辐射强,传统的滤光器件(滤光片)与运动目标检测算法无法适用。针对上述问题,本文采取新型量子滤光技术,利用量子高信噪比,低背景噪声的特点,以原子滤光器为核心,将超窄带量子滤光技术应用到粒子图像测速法(Particle Image Velocimetry, PIV)中,组成量子滤光PIV系统,滤光带宽可窄至GHz量级。同时基于量子滤光PIV系统提出了一种新的基于图像灰度互相关的虚拟粒子图像示踪算法,该算法通过对虚拟粒子的标记跟踪而表征实际粒子的运动轨迹,达到测量粒子速度的目的。经外场试验表明:量子滤光技术抑制复杂背景干扰强,相较于传统滤光器件信噪比提高了30 dB,滤光效果明显;该算法准确性高,粒子测速误差低于0.5 m/s,计算测量精度优于0.06%。同时,相关系统已经在国家相关研究单位获得应用。
火箭发动机 粒子喷射速度 量子滤光 示踪算法 信噪比 测量精度 rocket motor ejected particle's velocity quantum light filter tracer algorithm signal-to-noise ratio precision of measurement 
光学 精密工程
2023, 31(16): 2352

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